immediacy|immediacies in English


[im·me·di·a·cy || ɪ'mɪːdɪəsɪ]

quality of being immediate, instantaneousness; directness

Use "immediacy|immediacies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "immediacy|immediacies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "immediacy|immediacies", or refer to the context using the word "immediacy|immediacies" in the English Dictionary.

1. Immediacy above all.

2. Newspapers lack the immediacy of television.

3. Television brings a new immediacy to world events.

4. He suffered the results in all their immediacy.

5. The moving image has immediacy and can offer vivid detail.

6. Do they understand the immediacy of the crisis?

7. 1 The immediacy of the Prophet’s response is significant.

8. Our aim is immediacy of response to emergency calls.

9. The other thing that turned me on to television was immediacy.

10. They approached the peace talks with a sense of immediacy.

11. In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.

12. Benignancy •radiancy •immediacy, intermediacy •expediency • idiocy • saliency •resiliency • leniency •incipiency, recipiency •recreancy

13. Television allows viewers to experience an event without any loss of immediacy.

14. But while Burrows' concerns are revealed only tangentially, Smith's are delivered with her usual immediacy.

15. Words we might employ to describe that experience would include authenticity, first-handedness, liveliness and immediacy.

16. The individuality, immediacy and mimicry in computer games satisfy the needs from these people.

17. Seldom before had music possessed such hyper-sensitivity, such visceral intensity, such manic-depressive immediacy.

18. They demand our attention with the same immediacy as the everyday crises in our lives.

19. But a phone interview has a certain immediacy, so you do a phone interview.

20. The inner robot switched off, leaving the conscious man to cope with real problems, the immediacy of living.

21. To represent means to take the past and make it live again, giving it immediacy, vitality.

22. The very messiness of ''Bamboozled'' lends it an immediacy and heat that a more polished movie couldn't have generated

23. The present tense is used in this case because it carries a sense of immediacy and impact.

24. Digital picture quality is said to be still no match for conventional photographic film but the big advantage is immediacy.

25. The Antigua Newsroom aims to deliver accurate, breaking news and current affairs to the public with immediacy.